14 day no-questions-asked,
​100% satisfaction guarantee

Thai Massage Hip Therapy Training

What you receive:

  •  11 video modules with 6 hours of training
  • Course manual
  • Personalized instructor support
  • Private facebook group
  • Certification and CEUs
  • 14 day no-risk refund policy


One payment of  $108

      Heidi Brannen, LMT

      I am loving the hip stretches. They are really helping my husband.

      This is exactly what I have been wanting to learn, how to stretch the body without hurting someone, and getting more comfortable with moving the body to achieve better range of motion. ​

      Trina Schultz, LMT

      The videos I have been waiting for!  The hip flexor stretches look heavenly to someone who could use them herself.

      I have a number of clients that will benefit from them due to tight psoas muscles. These techniques are as easy on my body as the therapist as I ha
      ve always heard it would be.