14 day no-questions-asked,
​100% satisfaction guarantee

Thai Massage Sacrum Therapy Training

What you receive:

  •  3 video modules with 1. 2 hours of training
  • Course manual
  • Personalized instructor support
  • Private facebook group
  • 14 day no-risk refund policy

One payment of  $37

      Veronica Galvez, LMT

      Never thought that the work I did on the sacrum could help so much. My daughter said it felt great and it helped her with her hip pain.
      The hip rocking on the glutes also helped her. That's what I love about everything you are showing us, it is so simple yet so effective and it amazes me how much it helps.​

      Barbara Coleman, LMT

      I really enjoy being able to focus on the sacrum as it really is underworked in massage therapy.  
      You have covered a more in-depth anatomy for the specific landmarks than both my massage classes and my medical level anatomy classes.

      My regular practice client felt relief that they could not even get from going to a chiropractor.