14 day no-questions-asked,
​100% satisfaction guarantee

Thai Massage Shoulder Therapy Training

      Yesudas Thomas, Massage therapist

      After the successful completion of your courses I feel that I progressed from an ordinary massage therapist to a true healing therapist who can deal with any situation which I might encounter.

      Before your training I tended to avoid those clients who asked for a massage on a particular area. Now I am confident to face such requests. That is the difference which this course brought me. Thank you very much for your dedicated service.​" ​

      Vangelis Dimou, massage therapist

      I would like to thank you for all your efforts you made for these wonderful courses.
      You cannot imagine how much they helped me to understand the real Thai Massage.

      But most important for me is that I now have in my hands the power to help people to overcome health problems and make their life easier. Thank you so much Shama!